Excited for our Princeton Center for Theoretical Science workshop: Physics in the Ground Beneath our Feet- Applications of statistical and nonlinear physics in earth sciences (Jan 5-7, 2022)

Interested in learning about how statistical and nonlinear physics sheds light in earth sciences- from erosion to deformation and flows of soil, rocks and ice? Check out this Princeton Center for Theoretical Science workshop I'm co-organizing with Sujit Datta, Ian Bourg, and Howard Stone.

"Physics in the Ground Beneath our Feet: Applications of statistical and nonlinear physics in environmental and geoscience".

This workshop features the emerging intersection between nonlinear and statistical physics and Earth sciences. It will take place Jan 5-7. The workshop will be virtual. It is free but registration is required: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7Ryo3Visfhw0fm5WA9sUlhwDUN0FxMAa9h1AnyYwT_5ydDQ/viewform

We are excited to bring together an interdisciplinary list of speakers, from physics, geosciences, engineering, and math (listed in the attached poster). The topics span from erosion to deformation and fracture of granular material, rock, soil and glaciers, and are inspired by Doug and Karen’s 2019 Nature Physics review article "Viewing Earth’s surface as a soft-matter landscape".

We had over 400 registered participants from institutions in academia and industry from all over the world, with backgrounds across Mathematics, Physics, Soft Matter, Geoscience, Fluid Dynamics, and Engineering!


Quanta article featuring our work by Yongji, Tristan, and Javi, using physics-informed neural networks to shed new light to a century-old mystery- singularity formation for the 3D Euler equations.


What do the universal dynamics of ice-sheet surface relaxation tell us about transmissivity deep beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet? Check out the HMEI story about our paper in Nat. Commun.